Plastic Surgery Center of Tampa

Most Common Risks and Complications Related to Breast Augmentation-Choose the Right Surgeon

Nov 23, 2012 @ 09:20 AM — by Jaime Perez
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

For Dr. Jamie Perez’s patients in Tampa, plastic surgery is a way to enhance their appearance and give their confidence that extra boost. Breast augmentation is one of the most frequently performed surgeries at Dr. Perez’s practice. While Dr. Perez is a highly skilled surgeon with extensive experience in breast augmentation surgery, every patient should understand the potential risks that are involved with this procedure.

Breast Augmentation Risks

Any surgical procedure involves risks. At Dr. Perez’s practice in Tampa, breast augmentation will only be performed if an initial consultation shows you to be a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery. This, along with Dr. Perez’s experience, helps our Tampa patients minimize breast augmentation risks and complications following surgery. However, it is important to be aware of the possible risks that can result from breast augmentation surgery. These complications and risks include:

The good news is that these complications only occur in rare instances. In addition, these complications can be corrected. If you experience any of the above symptoms or are dissatisfied with the results of your breast augmentation surgery for any reason, see Dr. Perez. Dr. Perez can recommend an appropriate solution for correcting any of these conditions.

Schedule a Consultation

Choosing an experienced plastic surgeon is one of the best ways to ensure a successful surgery and avoid complications. Dr. Jamie Perez is a trusted, experienced plastic surgeon and is considered an expert in breast augmentation. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Perez to learn more about this popular procedure.