Plastic Surgery Center of Tampa

Breast Augmentation and the Risk of Rippling

Feb 19, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by Jaime Perez
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

Breast augmentation comes with risks, and one of them is rippling caused by an implant. Though not a health issue, it is a cosmetic problem that frustrates women.

Rippling occurs when you see folds or wrinkles in the skin of the breast, which reflect the implant underneath the skin. This usually occurs on the bottom or sides of the breast, but sometimes occurs in the cleavage. Overall, rippling tends to be more common with saline breast implants and with thinner women.

If you are concerned, a conversation with a plastic surgeon is the best next step. Dr. Jaime Perez, serving the Tampa area, can explain the causes of breast augmentation rippling and how to avoid it. If you already have problems with rippling, he can discuss techniques to correct the problem.

What Causes Rippling?

A number of factors interact and produce rippling. In many cases, it is caused by the lack of tissue between the outer layer of skin and the implant shell. Factors that can increase the chance of rippling include:

Can Rippling Be Avoided?

Before surgery, making educated choices, which take into account characteristics of both the implant and your anatomy is important. If you are thin and have a small amount of breast tissue, you will need to make careful selections. Choices include:

Can Rippling Be Fixed?

Revision surgery can be done to reduce rippling, but the solution will depend on what is causing the wrinkles. Among the possibilities:

If you want to solve problems with implant rippling, or reduce the chances of this complication before surgery, please call to make an appointment with Dr. Perez.