Plastic Surgery Center of Tampa

The Advantages of the Short Scar Facelift Technique

Jun 19, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by Jaime Perez
Tagged with: Facelift Plastic Surgery

Age affects everyone differently, so it is only fitting that plastic surgery procedures be customized to meet the specific needs of each patient. Even a procedure such as a facelift, which lifts and tightens skin of the lower third of the face, can be customized so that it best meets each patient’s unique desires. Not all patients require the same degree of alteration and not all patients wish to undergo a traditional facelift procedure. Fortunately, Dr. Jaime Perez offers his Tampa patients the short scar facelift, an alternative to the traditional facelift technique. This procedure produces less scarring than a traditional facelift and is well-suited for patients who wish for a minor “lift” or upkeep, particularly around the middle of the face, including the cheeks and jaw line.

The Procedure

The short scar facelift, which is also referred to as a mini facelift, is performed endoscopically, meaning that it uses thin surgical instruments that have small cameras attached to their ends. This allows Dr. Perez a full view of the alterations being made without the need for the long incisions made during a traditional facelift, thus the name, short scar facelift.

Performed under general anesthesia, the short scar facelift requires a small incision at the hairline in front of each ear. Dr. Perez enters the endoscope through the incisions at the front of the ear and is able to lift and tighten the underlying tissue and muscle upward in order to correct sagging on the midface. If there is a significant amount of excess skin, a small incision may be made behind the ear in order to ensure that the skin is redraped smoothly. If these incisions are necessary, they will be very small in size and will be easily hidden behind the ear. This procedure can be completed in almost half the time of a traditional facelift, yet creates dramatic results for patients. 


The short scar facelift offer patients a great number of benefits over a traditional facelift procedure. Some of the advantages of this technique include the following:

Contact Us

If you look in the mirror and see someone who looks older than you feel, Dr. Jaime Perez can help turn back the hands of time so that your outer appearance more closely matches those inner feelings. We offer a wide range of cosmetic procedures to help you look as good as you feel. Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help you revitalize your appearance. We look forward to hearing from you!