Plastic Surgery Center of Tampa

Tips for the Best Reovery After Your Breast Augmentation

Oct 30, 2012 @ 10:59 AM — by Jaime Perez
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

 Breast augmentation surgery is a popular way for women to enhance the appearance of their breasts while regaining their self esteem. Tampa plastic surgeon, Jamie Perez, is an expert when it comes to breast augmentation surgery. He can customize each surgery by providing patients choices regarding incisions, implant size, and placement. As with all surgeries, an important step in ensuring successful results will be allowing adequate recovery time.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

For Dr. Perez’s patients in Tampa, breast augmentation recovery is one of the most important steps of the surgical process. Any of the successful work that has been performed by Dr. Perez during surgery can be compromised if proper care is not taken during recovery. Following the after care instructions during recovery is also the best way to avoid infection and other complications of breast augmentation surgery. The following are recommendations that are likely to be useful in the first few days following breast augmentation surgery:

Most patients will begin to feel better within the first week following breast augmentation surgery and are even able to return to work at that point. However, there are still suggestions that you should follow for the first several weeks following surgery:

Within four to six weeks after surgery, most patients should be free of any side effects of breast augmentation surgery. At this point you are free to return to any of your normal activities, including exercise. Even after your recovery is complete, feel free to contact Dr. Perez with any questions or concerns.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Jamie Perez is one of the most trusted and skilled plastic surgeons in the Tampa area. To get a more thorough explanation of breast augmentation surgery and the recovery process, schedule a consultation with Dr. Perez. Dr. Perez and his staff look forward to helping you reach your aesthetic goals.